LUSSO Dating connects the most successful singles on earth and you can now select 'Space tourism' as a profile interest. LUSSO Dating will give you the opportunity to find a date who shares your passion for adventure and you could become the first to arrange a date in space. A window seat with the best view in the solar system awaits.
Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin are both very close to starting their space tourism ventures. LUSSO Dating's challenge for 2021/2022 is to connect two like-minded singles who are willing to go into space and have the financial power to back it up. It's probably advisable to split the bill on this one!
LUSSO Dating is one of the most private dating sites in the world. Photos are pixelated and only unlocked to exclusive VIP members.
David is a mechanical engineer who has had the privilege of working with the aerospace and space industry first hand. He has also given technical lectures to 'rocket scientists', just in case you need reassurance that he knows what he's doing.